5 - allow colours to be specified by name
6 - add password character option to textboxes
7 - add a field for specifying constructor parameters for the component's base class
8 - add textbox font settings
9 - should be able to move graphics objects around with cursor keys, like components can be
10 - ability to change some properties when more than one item is selected
11 - a treeview of sub-objects and graphics elements, which can be selected
12 - creation of more event handling callback code for the various types of component
13 - polygon editing needs to be better and to support creating sub-paths
14 - add texteditorlistener callback
15 - gradient points should probably be relative to the shape they're in rather than the whole component (not sure about this though)
16 - look-and-feel editing
17 - add lots of code comments explaining how it all works!
18 - add UI help tips for the various property editors
19 - grouping components
20 - component effects like drop-shadows, etc
21 - some way of selecting things that are behind other things
22 - add callbacks for embedded jucer comps that are buttons
23 - flip + rotate of shapes
24 - editor for setting component properties on any component
25 - hit test alpha channel options
26 - auto-scrolling when you drag the mouse
27 - allow gradients to have more intermediate colours
29 - options for making font sizes, rounded rect corners, etc proportional
30 - add a utility to create a complete set of ready-made project files for all the platforms
31 - aligning selected components vertically/horizontally
32 - equally distributing selected components vertically/horizontally inside their bounding rectangle.
33 - a way of replacing an existing subcomponent by another one while keeping all the properties which are common to all jucer components: name, location, size, tooltip... (Right-Click->Replace->list of components)
34 - allow position/size of multiple selected components to be edited with the mouse and/or by manually entering the surrounding rectangle dimensions